As a homeschooled kid in small-town South Carolina, I was extremely interested in computers. Once I realized I had an affinity for technology, I never looked back. After graduating a couple of years early from high school, I began my career on graduation day with an internship at a local system integrator shop. I went on to delve into programming, network infrastructure, telephony, and more.Over my career in IT spanning more than 29+ years, I’ve collected many IT certifications [Microsoft, Google, Citrix, Ascom, Genesys, Milestone VMS, C-Cure 9000, etc.], and I even earned my Microsoft MCSE NT 4.0 in the early years. Here recently, I’m currently investing lots of time in Email Deliverability & Blockchain.


Delpart — Partition Delete Utility
More info at:
Created by Unknown

EditPad Classic — The Original Postcardware Text Editor
More info at: Created by Just Great Software Co. Ltd.

Latest — Software Update Checker [macOS only]
Latest is a free and open source app for macOS that checks if all your apps are up to date. Get a quick overview of which apps changed and what changed and update them right away. Latest currently supports apps downloaded from the Mac App Store and apps that use Sparkle for updates, which covers most of the apps on the market.

Mist — List & download all available macOS Firmwares / Installers available for download:
— Display names, versions, builds, release dates and sizes
— Optionally show beta versions of macOS
— Filter macOS versions that are compatible with the Mac the app is being run from
— Export lists as CSV, JSON, Property List or YAML

Putty — a free SSH and Telnet client
PuTTY is a free implementation of SSH and Telnet for Windows and Unix platforms, along with an xterm terminal emulator. It is written and maintained primarily by Simon Tatham

Rufus — The Reliable USB Formatting Utility
Rufus is a utility that helps format and create bootable USB flash drives, such as USB keys/pendrives, memory sticks, etc. Despite its small size, Rufus provides everything you need!



These are some recommendedions for items I use on a regular basis.